Here is the code to generate the same database version info that is kept in the AdventureWorks build table.
-- add a version to your database
EXECUTE sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'SystemInformationID', @value = N'1';
EXECUTE sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'Database Version', @value = N'10.00.80404.00';
EXECUTE sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'VersionDate', @value = N'2008-04-04';
EXECUTE sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'ModifiedDate', @value = N'2008-04-04';
-- read out the version
FROM fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
This returns:
Will I use this going forward? The thing with extended properties is that they aren't a widely used feature and having the data in a table makes it much more accessible. As a result, its much easier to remember the syntax to update a database table than an extended property. Also, a database table is more "visible" so is less likely to be forgotten when you come to update the version.
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